Пятница, 27 января 2023
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Муравьёва В.В.


1. Посмотреть видео по ссылке: https://resh.edu.ru/subject/lesson/6062/main/136436/

(текст к видео)
This is the weather forecast on Channel 6. Tomorrow is going to be very hot and wet in the South of the country. The temperature there will be about 29 degrees. The sun will shine. And there will be no wind. On the contrary, in the North of the country it will be very cold. The temperature there will be just plus 10 degrees. And please if you go outside don't forget your umbrella because it's going to rain.
As for other regions of our country, it will be very windy in the West and it will be hot in the East. The temperature in the East will be plus 20 degrees but the temperature in the West will be just plus 17.
The weather today is brilliant, the sun is shining and it’s very warm, but not hot.

2. Выучить слова из видео. Быть готовыми к словарному диктанту.
2. стр. 96, упр. 2; 3
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